One simple tool to take back your health, time, and mindset!

It’s time. We’re taking back our health, our mindset, our time, AND we’re getting out of our slump.  It’s time to take back the kitchen, and we want to show you how you can do it too!

Taking Back Our Health

I’ve always been one to over-eat.  I love carbs and cookies and brownies and wine. Poptarts, pizza, bagels, and cookies were always around growing up. I graduated college with a kitchen-skills resume consisting of baking cookies and microwaving. That’s all I could do, for real. I’ve always eaten mindlessly and emotionally. Really, any emotion – happy, sad, celebratory, angry.  It was all a cause to eat.

Last year it really hit me, I don’t want to treat my body like that anymore. It was going to be hard to undo 25 years of poor eating, though.  There were plenty of diet options out there that I looked into, but I realized that starving myself wasn’t going to work, and that most diets were not sustainable. I had to learn how to eat in a way that would truly fuel my body, but as I looked over our list of common recipes, I was at a loss.

Alyssa with Wine

Taking Back Our Mindsets

As I mentioned before, emotional eating was one of my biggest problems for most of my life. I have all sorts of theories about why eating has been a struggle for me (including the fact that food is often equated with fellowship, friendship, and family), but no matter what the root cause of my food struggles, I knew I needed a mindset shift.

My goal was to think of food as fuel and to have a better opinion of healthy foods! Cody and I also needed to change our mindset on money and food.  When we went all in with our budget, we cut WAY back to spending $50 a week for all food, but to do this I would spend 2-3 hours meal planning each week.

Weekly Groceries = $41.25!
Weekly Groceries = $41.25!

Now we are balancing out. We are making sure to eat nutritious options, take care of the bodies God gave us, and still be good stewards with our money. We are spending a bit more than $50 a week, but getting all our nutrition and spending ZERO time meal planning.  It’s a balance of eating enough and eating WELL. But we still only spend about $60 a week!

Taking Back Our Time

When we first got married, I was determined to be the world’s best wife when it came to dinner time.  I was going to save us a ton of money, make all sorts of new recipes, and never waste any food.  It was fun for a while, but it took hours each week to find the good deals, make sure I could use up all of our ingredients, and to find new recipes that we would both like.  Usually then it would take another hour or so to grocery shop because our list was organized by recipe, not by type of food. It was a mess!

Getting out of our slump

This system for TRYING to make good choices meant that a lot of times our recipes weren’t as healthy as I wanted them to be (because I couldn’t always find suitable recipes that met all the criteria).  It got tiring doing this same routine week after week, so after a while we lost our variety and started eating the same mediocre meals over and over.

Take Back the Kitchen

Enter Take Back the Kitchen, a program that solved all of our meal planning and meal prepping woes.  Each week, a registered dietitian sends us a meal plan.  These are recipes she has approved, so they meet our standards for health.  They are laid out with substitutions we can make, are seasonally appropriate, and take into consideration the “weird” ingredients, so that we can use them up!

There is a dinner recipe for every day of the week, and we get to try so many new things! We LOVE the ease of printing off a list that is divided by where we might find the food in the store. Then, we come home and prep things off a list that tells us exactly what can be prepped ahead of time.

Our nutrition is in check. We have time back each week. We are learning to enjoy healthier foods that fuel our body.  Not only that, but every month we have the option to choose from a selection of nutrition products that helps us stay on track with our healthy goals. Even with this , we still only spend $60/week on groceries!

Breakfast Tacos
Breakfast Tacos

How you can participate

If you are interested in getting this same, amazing program every week, we would love to have you join us! To receive the meal plans, there are a few different products*  that qualify you for a full MONTH:

  • Incredible shakes that have the nutrition of a salad but taste like a milkshake
  • Delicious protein bars that have way less sugar than their competitors,
  • A package of pre and post workout drinks,
  • A nutrition course that will help you fix your mindset around food.

The cost for these varies from $110 to $160 (though if you are interested in a 25% discount, reach out!) .  You know that we are strict with our finances, and we believe these products are absolutely worth the cost.  The financial savings of having a healthy, easy-to-follow plan in place is worth it.  Not only that, but knowing that our bodies are getting the nutrients we need is a huge benefit. Plus, we now spend NO time finding, planning, and organizing our meals for the week. If you want more information on how you can take back the kitchen, fill out this form.  The form isn’t a commitment – just a chance for you to decide if this is a good fit for you!

Take Back the Kitchen Information Form:

*The consumable products come with a 30 day bottom of the bag money back guarantee! There is NO RISK to trying this out! If it doesn’t work for you, you can simply send the empty bag back!