Comparing Costs of Working Out at Home vs the Gym

The last few years I have been able to compare the costs of working out at home vs the gym because I’ve tried both! One of my goals has been to move my body, because I know it helps me with my SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). This winter has helped confirm that moving my body truly helps me with SAD and my anxiety.
I committed to this same thing back two and a half years ago. Cody and I both started the fall with great intentions. We went to a gym, I got a personal trainer, and we managed to drag our butts out of bed a few days a week in the cold MN winter.
The struggles of the gym
The gym, including my personal trainer, was an okay environment for me, but it wasn’t the best financially or the best use of my time. I would be there for an hour and only get half a workout in. I wasted time trying to figure out WHAT to do, and I waited for people to be done with the equipment I needed!
For nine months I stuck it out, but then I was SO OVER IT. It was hard to have the energy to go in the morning or after teaching. So, I started looking for other options.
A different option
At-home workouts came into my life right as my personal training was wrapping up. They are the ONLY reason I’ve been able to stay more consistent this year. I’ve found that I need a balance between Pinterest workouts and a full gym. I love the weightlifting I can do at the gym AND the access to the personal trainers. However, working out at home means I’m on my OWN time, and not in someone else’s sweat!
Now, I don’t think working out at home is for everyone. It’s all about finding what works for you.
Some questions to ask yourself:
- What types of exercise do you enjoy the most?
- Are you uncomfortable working out around others or encouraged by the competition?
For me, the at-home workouts I found were a perfect fit because:
- I am not motivated to leave my house, especially in the cold winter!
- I need help knowing WHAT to do, but personal trainers are SPENDY.
- The online workouts I use are led by personal trainers that give cues for form, so I still get the help I need.
- I don’t need a lot of space or equipment (for example running is the literal worst to me)
What REALLY made the decision for us though was cost. When I saw that I could workout for an entire YEAR at home for less than the cost of ONE MONTH at our gym, it was a no-brainer to try!

We’d love to know where you like to workout! Do you have any experience with a personal trainer? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Send us your questions or comments!