Sassy Con 2018 – Cody’s Takeaways

Cody For Socialite Prom King!
Going into the conference, I knew that I would be in a very small minority of “husbands” in attendance. Turns out, I was the ONLY husband who attended. Sidenote here – husbands: I encourage you to show up for your wife! Whatever that means in your relationship is great; for me, this often means showing that I not only support my wife but that I am willing to INVEST in her as well. It was worth my time and energy to show up for Sassy Con because Alyssa has a passion and I want to do whatever I can to support and aid in that. And what better way to do that than to learn the same practices as she is working to implement in her business and life, and be a part of it!

We got to know Windy from Sassy Suite some and she is so fun!
The Socialite Suite is definitely geared towards equipping women for success in online business, and I knew that it had already helped my wife and our LuLaRoe business. I knew who Brenda and Windy were, and had gone through a number of the courses offered by the Suite. So I knew that the content would be good, and I was hopeful that the people would be fun as well! So let’s get to it!
For me, there were a few different areas of the conference that really resonated with me, that I think are valuable things for anybody, regardless of having an online business!
Nugget #1: Branding
This is an area that The Osegards are very purposeful in! Branding is around us all the time, whether we notice it or not. Especially for people with a business, this goes far beyond just picking a color scheme or a logo. Being intentional with the fonts you use in graphics, the textures, and your personal voice and style is super important. If people are scrolling through

Branding should always be YOU!
their social feed, does everything you post “look like you”? Can someone glance past it and know that YOU posted that because it looks like, feels like, sounds like, and SMELLS like you? If so, that is some stellar branding! I’ve got a few people in particular that I enjoy keeping up with on Instagram because their posts are ALWAYS great. They look good, they show lots of personality, and they make me feel like I actually KNOW that person more than just on social media!
Nugget #2: Consistency

At events, I *get* to be an Instagram husband and take a million pictures like this!
Unlike my lovely wife, I’m not much of a social media user. I check in occasionally, mainly for a notification or two, but haven’t posted on a regular basis. One of my takeaways here is that there is a lot of value in consistency, beyond the “algorithm” reason. Yes, I know that the more frequently you post meaningful content, the more your content will appear in people’s newsfeeds and in a higher position. But on a more simple base – if I don’t share stories, pictures, ideas, from my mind, I am not giving others a chance to learn who I am and what I am about! This is an area that I will be working on, especially on Instagram, my social media of choice right now!
Nugget #3: Purpose
This is a big thing in online marketing right now, but this really hit home at Sassy Con. People always talk about your WHY – what drives you and what are you working for? The beef that I have with this idea is when people choose a Why because it “looks good” or feels like what they should be working for. As and ENFP, people who are not genuine and authentic stick out to me like a sore thumb, and it just rubs me the wrong way! The people that I met and interacted with at Sassy Con were some of the most authentic and real people I’ve met, and were doing what they were doing for the right reasons. When your WHY is right and real for you, it can truly guide the decisions you make. If it’s not working towards your goals, it’s probably not worth your time!
Final Thoughts
Overall, I was VERY impressed by everything that Sassy Con had to offer. The speakers that presented were knowledgeable, relatable, and so genuine. The Socialite Suite staff put the conference together incredibly well. The thoughtful attention to details and little “bonuses” (afternoon hummus bar and fruit trays, I’m looking at you!) was spectacular. I truly enjoyed my time in the sessions and time in between and at the different events. I’m so excited to keep working with the information I gained, and to stay connected to the people I met. Alyssa and I have some big goals that can feel so distant at times, but I KNOW that these are not simply dreams or wishes. Using the tangible and applicable knowledge I gained, we WILL accomplish these goals, and move on to even bigger goals!