My Career Story Part 3

We left off in Part 2 talking mostly about LuLaRoe, but to understand what happens next, I need to tell you about my friend, Amber.

Amber is a blogger over at  She’s got four kiddos (that she birthed in under three years. Is she insane or is she wonder woman? I would argue both).  I had taught three of her kids at school, but hadn’t really met her before. One day, Amber came over after picking up her kids from to school to shop my LuLaRoe. I loved watching her rock it as a momma of four tiny humans.  I could tell she was pretty much super-mom at this point. Even so, life with four kids five and under is a little crazy.

She seemed cool and her kids were precious, so I casually offered that if she needed any help during the summer, I’d be happy to bring coffee to the park to be extra hands. We parted ways after that, and I hoped that she would take me up on it, but also figured she probably wouldn’t.

Fast forward a few weeks.  

Cody and I were at a reception for a family wedding and I got a Facebook message from Amber.  I figured that maybe she needed to exchange a shirt or something, so I quick opened it to see what she needed.  You guys, it was like a novel. They were in a bind and their childcare for a trip that was two days away had essentially fallen through. She wondered if maybe we would watch their 4 kids for five days/four nights?  

Here’s where I say this was 100% a God thing.  First off, who asks two basically strangers to move into their house to watch their four kids for a week?  Secondly, who AGREES to move into a basically strangers house for a week to watch their four kids (and their dog)? HA! But Cody and I read the message and both of us just had a gut feeling that we NEEDED to say yes.

We went and watched the kids for a week (details on that another time!) and they quickly became our tiny besties.   

But it didn’t stop there. . .

A few weeks later, Amber asked if I was interested in potentially helping their family out some during the school year, because her business was blowing up!  I was looking for a little side hustle as we were working to get out of debt. Plus, I loved their family, so it was a perfect fit. I became their Family Assistant for a few months. It was the perfect introvert job after a busy day of teaching – doing laundry, dishes, and such in silence!

During this time, I also signed up as a coach on Amber’s health and fitness team – mostly for the discount, but also because I felt a draw to this community that she was building and the health results I was seeing.  I knew I needed to be a part of it somehow, but I also knew that with everything else in our life right then – I just wouldn’t feasibly be able to work that business to level I would want to.

Months later, Amber’s organization went through some transitions and she needed a little help.  I happened to be on winter break on the time, so I said I’d help her through the transition.

Enter God Again.

I fell in the love with this job immediately. It used so many of my teaching skills AND LuLaRoe skills. It gave me adult interaction but was also a super good introvert fit. I knew that she was hoping to fill the position ASAP, so I didn’t say anything to her about it. My teaching job was a priority through May! I told Cody that I was bummed, however, because it seemed like such a perfect fit for me.

Meanwhile, Amber told her husband that she thought I would be a great fit and maybe they could get me to switch from Family Assistant to Executive Assistant for the school year… Do you see how this is falling into place?  Even though it is 100% outside of that PERFECT plan I had for myself growing up? God was doing things in me and around me, and it was about to get even better.

Continue the story with Part 4!